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Title The National Assembly Research Service, Judicial Policy Research Institute, and Constitutional Research Institute concludes『 Comprehensive Business Agreement for Mutual Interchange and Cooperation 』
Date 2014.09.17

The Judicial Policy Research Institute (President: Choi, Song Wha), National Assembly Research Service (Secretary General: Ko, Hyun Wook), and Constitutional Research Institute (President: Kim, Moon Hyun), which are all Constitutional Institution-affiliated research institutions, have concluded a business agreement as detailed below in order to promote mutual development through interchange and cooperation.


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▣ Date: 11:00, July 11 (Fri), 2014

▣ Venue: The Judicial Policy Research Institute (Small Assembly Hall of the Judicial Research & Training Institute)


Due to the business agreement, the Judicial Policy Research Institute, the National Assembly Research Service, and the Constitutional Research Institute are planning to

① conduct joint research and academic events on major issues,   ② cooperate and share information regarding publications and policy data,   ③ make personal exchanges in order to reinforce professionalism and promote understanding, and ④cooperate on managing other mutual interchange·cooperation promoting programs.


Through this business agreement, we are also looking forward to increase the amount of joint research which covers both legislative and judicial areas, and enhance the research capacities of our institutions.

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